What is it?
This one-to-one consultation offers all registered students the opportunity to discuss a creative project or manuscript with me independently (up to three hours per consultation.)
What can I expect from a consultation?
You can meet with me on an individual basis and receive specific help and advice on your literary project(s). Before our consultation meeting, please send your work to me via email at least a week in advance. The work does not need to be in its completed final form. If you don't have an in-progress project, I can also work with you on developing one.
You can request a consultation to discuss any of the following:
Books you are reading
Chapters you are writing
Concerns you have for your work
Brainstorming or manufacturing or bouncing off ideas
Advice on writing
How to peel a grapefruit
Do I need to prepare anything for my consultation?
Your openness to new ideas and your promptness.
Where will my consultation with Vi Khi Nao take place?
Generally, over Skype and/or email correspondences. In person if we share approximate latitude and longitude.
Will Vi Khi Nao proofread my work?
No, she will not. You must seek this service elsewhere.
How much does each consultation cost?